Indian Independence and Mutiny in India 1857

Indian Uprising of 1857, Sepoy Mutiny, historical battle, Indian sepoys, British soldiers, grayscale painting, battle scene, military history, colonial India, rebellion, Indian Independence

Indian Independence and Sepoy Rebellion

A Legacy of Mutiny in India 1857:

The Indian Uprising of 1857, also known as the First War of Indian Independence, was not an abrupt outbreak but a climax of prolonged resistance against British colonial rule. The groundwork for this monumental rebellion was laid by several earlier uprisings, including the Sanyasi and Fakir Rebellions, the Paik Rebellion, and the Vellore Mutiny. These movements emerged from deep-seated discontent over British economic policies, exploitative land revenues, and disregard for local traditions and beliefs. Drawing participants from a wide spectrum of Indian society—from ascetic orders to warrior-peasants and military sepoys—these early rebellions collectively challenged the British imposition, fostering a spirit of resistance that would eventually culminate in the extensive and coordinated revolt of 1857.

Prelude to Indian Independence: Early Uprisings

Early Resistance Movements in India (1770s-1857)

The Indian Uprising of 1857, often referred to as the First War of Indian Independence, was the culmination of various earlier resistance movements against British colonial rule. These early uprisings, including the sepoy mutiny, highlighted widespread discontent and set the stage for the more extensive and coordinated rebellion of 1857.

The Sanyasi and Fakir Rebellions (1770s-1800s)

Context and Causes

The Sanyasi and Fakir Rebellions took place in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in Bengal and other parts of India. These uprisings were a reaction to British economic exploitation and severe famines. The British East India Company’s oppressive land revenue policies led to widespread discontent among the local population, particularly the Sanyasis (Hindu ascetics) and Fakirs (Muslim ascetics), who relied on community charity.

Key Events and Figures

The rebellions were characterized by guerrilla-style attacks on British revenue officials and looting of company treasuries. Charismatic leaders like Majnu Shah and Bhawani Pathak led these movements, leveraging their knowledge of local terrain and support from communities to challenge British authority effectively.

Impact on Later Movements

These uprisings demonstrated the potential of coordinated, small-scale insurgencies and contributed to a growing sense of Indian nationalism. They set a precedent for future resistance, showing that localized guerrilla warfare could challenge British dominance.

The Paik Rebellion (1817)

Background in Odisha

The Paik Rebellion of 1817 was a significant uprising in Odisha, led by the Paiks, traditional warrior-peasants. British policies disrupted Odisha’s socio-economic fabric, impoverishing the peasantry and reducing the Paiks’ traditional privileges.

Role of Bakshi Jagabandhu

Bakshi Jagabandhu Bidyadhar, a dispossessed military commander, led the rebellion. Witnessing his fellow Paiks’ suffering, he mobilized them and other societal segments against the British, attacking garrisons, looting treasuries, and capturing key towns.

British Response and Aftermath

The British initially struggled to contain the rebellion due to widespread local support for Jagabandhu. However, they eventually quelled the uprising through reinforcements and strategic military actions. Despite suppression, the rebellion left a lasting legacy of resistance, inspiring future generations to fight against colonial rule.

The Vellore Mutiny (1806)

Causes and Immediate Triggers

The Vellore Mutiny was one of the earliest instances of sepoy rebellion in India against British rule. The immediate trigger was new dress regulations that offended Hindu and Muslim sepoys’ religious beliefs, requiring them to abandon traditional headgear and shave their facial hair.

Key Participants and Events

The mutiny erupted on July 10, 1806, in Vellore. Disgruntled sepoys, led by Indian officers, stormed the Vellore Fort, killing several British officers and soldiers and unfurling Tipu Sultan’s flag to signal their opposition. British reinforcements brutally suppressed the uprising, resulting in many mutineers’ deaths.

Significance and Consequences

The Vellore Mutiny exposed the deep-seated discontent within Indian military ranks and highlighted the cultural insensitivity of British policies. Although swiftly suppressed, the mutiny served as a precursor to later rebellions, including the 1857 uprising. It underscored the importance of respecting Indian soldiers’ cultural and religious sentiments, a lesson the British would later have to reckon with.

From Early Resistances to National Uprising 1857

The myriad early resistances against British colonial rule, from the Sanyasi and Fakir Rebellions to the Vellore Mutiny, underscore a critical evolution in the spirit and methodology of Indian resistance. These movements were not merely isolated outbursts but rather a crescendo of growing dissatisfaction that gradually unified diverse social strata across the subcontinent. The tactical guerrilla warfare seen in these skirmishes, along with an emerging awareness of collective struggle, set a definitive precedent for large-scale nationalistic revolt. As these early resistances sowed the seeds of discontent and demonstrated the effectiveness of organized opposition, they directly contributed to the explosive nature of the 1857 Uprising. This culmination of rebellion against oppressive British policies and practices was a natural progression from the localized to the national, sparking a pan-Indian challenge to colonial dominance that sought not just redressal of grievances but a comprehensive overturning of foreign rule. Thus, the 1857 Uprising can be seen as a direct descendant of these early movements, born from the escalating momentum of resistance and the crystallization of a national identity in the face of colonial adversity.

Causes of Uprising: Path to Indian Independence

Political Causes

Doctrine of Lapse

One of the key political causes of the Indian Uprising of 1857 was the Doctrine of Lapse, a policy implemented by Lord Dalhousie, the then Governor-General of India. According to this doctrine, any princely state or territory under the direct influence of the British East India Company would automatically be annexed if the ruler was either deemed incompetent or died without a male heir. This policy led to the annexation of several states, including Satara, Jhansi, and Nagpur, creating widespread resentment among Indian rulers and their subjects.

Annexation of Indian States

Beyond the Doctrine of Lapse, the British aggressively annexed other Indian states under various pretexts, often citing mismanagement or lack of legitimate succession. The most notable example was the annexation of Awadh (Oudh) in 1856. The deposition of its ruler, Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, under the pretense of poor governance, outraged the local nobility, soldiers, and the general populace, contributing significantly to the brewing discontent against British rule.

Economic Causes

Exploitative Policies

The British economic policies were exploitative and detrimental to the Indian economy. They introduced systems such as the Permanent Settlement and the Ryotwari System, which imposed heavy revenue demands on peasants. The focus on cash crops for export led to the destruction of traditional agriculture, resulting in widespread poverty and famine. Artisans and craftsmen also suffered due to the influx of cheap British manufactured goods, which decimated local industries.

Heavy Taxation

Heavy taxation further exacerbated the economic plight of the Indian population. The British imposed exorbitant taxes on land and other resources, compelling peasants to borrow money at high-interest rates to pay their dues. This often led to a cycle of debt and dispossession, causing immense suffering and resentment towards the colonial administration.

Social and Religious Causes

Interference in Religious Practices

The British colonial authorities often interfered with traditional religious practices, which deeply offended both Hindu and Muslim communities. Policies such as the introduction of the Widow Remarriage Act and the abolition of Sati (self-immolation by widows) were seen as direct attacks on Hindu customs. Similarly, rumors spread that the British were trying to convert Indians to Christianity, fueling further distrust and anger.

Social Reforms Imposed by the British

Social reforms imposed by the British, although sometimes well-intentioned, were perceived as intrusive and disrespectful. The introduction of Western education and the undermining of traditional social hierarchies disrupted the established order. The British legal and administrative changes were viewed as attempts to erode Indian cultural and societal norms, causing widespread resentment among various social strata.

Military Causes

Grievances of Indian Soldiers (Sepoys)

Indian soldiers, or sepoys, in the British East India Company’s army had numerous grievances. They were often paid less than their British counterparts, faced racial discrimination, and were subjected to harsh discipline. Additionally, the extension of service to distant regions without extra pay or proper support created discontent. The promotion policies favored British officers, causing further frustration among Indian soldiers.

The Issue of Greased Cartridges

The immediate trigger for the uprising was the issue of greased cartridges. In early 1857, rumors spread that the new Enfield rifle cartridges were greased with cow and pig fat—offensive to Hindu and Muslim soldiers, respectively. Soldiers had to bite the cartridges to load the rifles, which was seen as a deliberate attempt to defile their religious beliefs. This sparked outrage and rebellion among the sepoys, leading to the widespread mutiny that became the Indian Uprising of 1857.

The combination of these political, economic, social, and military causes created a volatile environment, setting the stage for a large-scale rebellion. The uprising, often referred to as the First War of Indian Independence, was a culmination of long-standing grievances against British colonial rule.

Key Events and Figures of Sepoy Rebellion

The Spark at Meerut

The Indian Uprising of 1857, prominently known as the Mutiny India 1857, was ignited by a crucial incident in Meerut on May 10, 1857. The immediate trigger for the Indian independence movement was the introduction of the new Enfield rifle, which required soldiers to bite off the ends of greased cartridges, igniting widespread revolt due to religious sensitivities. This rumor caused outrage among Hindu and Muslim soldiers. When 85 sepoys at Meerut refused to use the cartridges, they were court-martialed and sentenced to ten years of imprisonment. This harsh punishment led to a widespread mutiny, with the sepoys revolting against their British officers, releasing their imprisoned comrades, and killing several British residents. This rebellion quickly spread to other parts of India, marking the beginning of a significant and widespread uprising.

Major Centers of the Uprising

Delhi: Bahadur Shah Zafar

Delhi became a pivotal center of the rebellion when the mutineers from Meerut marched to the city and declared Bahadur Shah Zafar, the last Mughal emperor, as their leader. Despite his advanced age and reluctance, Bahadur Shah Zafar was proclaimed the symbolic head of the rebellion. The proclamation of the Mughal emperor provided a semblance of unity and legitimacy to the fragmented rebel forces.

Kanpur: Nana Sahib

Nana Sahib, the adopted son of the exiled Maratha Peshwa Baji Rao II, emerged as a significant leader in Kanpur. Driven by grievances against the British for denying him his father’s pension, Nana Sahib led the rebels in capturing Kanpur. The siege of Kanpur was marked by fierce fighting and tragic events, including the massacre at Satichaura Ghat and the subsequent massacre of British women and children at Bibighar. Nana Sahib’s leadership and his ability to mobilize local support made Kanpur a major center of the uprising.

Lucknow: Begum Hazrat Mahal

In Lucknow, Begum Hazrat Mahal, the wife of the deposed Nawab of Awadh, played a crucial role in leading the rebellion. She took charge after her husband was exiled and her son, Birjis Qadr, was declared the ruler of Awadh. Under her leadership, the rebels managed to hold Lucknow against British forces for several months. Her strategic acumen and dedication to the cause of independence made her a prominent figure in the rebellion.

Jhansi: Rani Lakshmibai

Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi is one of the most iconic figures of the 1857 uprising. Refusing to accept the British annexation of her kingdom under the Doctrine of Lapse, she led her troops with extraordinary courage and determination. The defense of Jhansi and her subsequent battles, including the legendary escape on horseback with her infant son, symbolized the spirit of resistance and the role of women in the struggle for independence.

Other Significant Locations and Leaders

Several other regions and leaders played crucial roles in the uprising. In Bihar, Kunwar Singh, an elderly zamindar, led a successful campaign against the British despite his age. In Central India, Tatya Tope, a close associate of Nana Sahib, became known for his tactical brilliance and guerrilla warfare against the British forces. These leaders and their actions were vital in sustaining the rebellion across different parts of India.

British Response

Initial Reactions

The British were initially caught off guard by the scale and intensity of the uprising. The sudden and widespread nature of the rebellion posed a severe challenge to their control. Initial British responses were marked by panic and severe retaliation against any suspected rebels, often leading to brutal reprisals.

Strategies to Quell the Uprising

To quell the uprising, the British implemented a series of strategic measures. They reinforced their military presence by bringing in troops from Britain and other colonies. The legacy of the 1857 uprising profoundly influenced subsequent generations, becoming a cornerstone of the broader movement for Indian independence. Key battles, such as the recapture of Delhi and the relief of Lucknow, marked turning points in the suppression of the rebellion. The British used superior military technology, including artillery and disciplined troops, to regain control. The eventual capture and execution of rebel leaders, coupled with widespread punitive actions, led to the gradual suppression of the uprising by mid-1858.

These key events and figures highlight the widespread and multifaceted nature of the 1857 uprising. The rebellion, though ultimately unsuccessful, laid the groundwork for future movements for Indian independence and left an indelible mark on the country’s history.

Local Events: Steps Towards Indian Independence in 1857

The Meerut Incident: Triggering the Uprising

The mutiny in India in 1857, often hailed as India’s First War of Independence, began with intense conflict in Meerut on May 10, 1857. This upheaval was fueled by tensions over British-imposed policies and the controversial introduction of the Enfield P-53 rifle. The cartridges for this rifle, rumored to be greased with cow and pig fat, deeply offended both Hindu and Muslim soldiers and brought tensions to a breaking point. The situation escalated when 85 sepoys refused to use these cartridges and were severely punished, sparking a mutiny. The mutineers liberated their imprisoned comrades, killed their British officers, and advanced towards Delhi to declare the Mughal emperor as their leader, signaling other regions to join the rebellion.

Delhi: A Symbolic and Strategic Victory

By May 11, rebels had captured Delhi, a significant and symbolic victory. They proclaimed Bahadur Shah II as their leader, aiming to unify the resistance under a recognized figure of Indian royalty. This move was not just strategic but also boosted morale among the rebels and posed a significant challenge to British authority.

The Battle of Chinhat: Defending Lucknow

On June 20, the outskirts of Lucknow witnessed the fierce Battle of Chinhat, where local heroes resisted British forces, showcasing remarkable bravery. Figures such as Adhikari, Akram Khan, and Aman Singh became notable for their roles in the battle, highlighting the local commitment to the cause despite the overwhelming might of the British.

Central India and Bihar: Regional Heroism

The resistance extended to Central India and Bihar, with significant figures such as Bhawani Singh and Gulab Rai leading localized rebellions. Despite their eventual defeat and execution, their actions on July 3 spurred continued resistance across the regions, underlining the widespread nature of the revolt.

Brutal British Retaliation: The August Massacres

In late August, the British responded with brutal force. On August 28, a harsh crackdown resulted in the massacre of over 150 Indian soldiers in Peshawar as punishment for their participation in the uprising. This event underscored the severe measures the British were willing to employ to maintain control.

Satara’s Rebellion: September Sacrifices

The events of September 8 in Satara exemplified the tragic consequences of the uprising. Leaders like Rango Bapoojee and Babia Gaikwad faced grim fates, with many rebels executed or blown from cannons in a display meant to deter further resistance.

The Battle of Chatra and the Siege of Jhansi: Local Struggles

The Battle of Chatra on October 15 and the siege of Jhansi illustrated local dimensions of the struggle. In Kota and Jhansi, rebels fought fiercely against British forces and their regional adversaries, highlighting the interconnectedness of regional conflicts during the uprising.

Resistance Across the Regions: Daltonganj and Gaya

Further instances of resistance in Daltonganj and Gaya in October 1857 showed how widespread dissatisfaction with British rule had become, leading to significant battles and the participation of local leaders like Kunwar Singh, who emerged as symbols of resistance.

Jhajjar’s Defiance: A Stand Against Oppression

In Jhajjar, leaders like Abdul Rahman rallied support against the British, only to be defeated and executed. Yet, these acts of defiance contributed to the larger narrative of resistance that characterized the 1857 uprising.

This summary captures the essence of local events and battles during the 1857 uprising, reflecting the multifaceted nature of the conflict and the broad geographic spread of resistance against British colonial rule. Each local battle and act of defiance contributed to the national struggle, illustrating the deep-rooted desire for independence that pervaded across different strata of Indian society.

Impact of the Uprising

Immediate Consequences

Changes in British Policies

The Indian Uprising of 1857 had profound immediate consequences, prompting significant changes in British policies. In the aftermath, the British Crown took direct control of India, marking the end of the rule by the British East India Company. This transition was formalized through the Government of India Act 1858, which established the office of the Secretary of State for India and created the Indian Civil Service to ensure more efficient and direct governance. Additionally, the British implemented a series of military and administrative reforms to prevent any future rebellions. They increased the ratio of British to Indian soldiers in the army, disbanded disloyal units, and reorganized military deployments to ensure a more robust British presence.

End of the Mughal Empire

One of the most significant immediate consequences of the uprising was the official end of the Mughal Empire. Bahadur Shah Zafar, the last Mughal emperor, was captured, tried, and exiled to Rangoon, Burma (present-day Yangon, Myanmar). His capture marked the final dissolution of the once mighty Mughal dynasty, and the British systematically dismantled any remaining Mughal symbols of authority to reinforce their control over India.

Long-term Effects

Changes in British Administration in India

The uprising led to a comprehensive restructuring of British administration in India. The British government, now directly overseeing the Indian territories, implemented policies aimed at consolidating their control. They introduced a more centralized administration, expanded infrastructure projects such as railways, telegraphs, and canals to improve communication and control, and made significant investments in the modernization of the Indian economy, albeit primarily to benefit British interests. The British also adopted a policy of “divide and rule,” exploiting religious, regional, and caste divisions to maintain their dominance and prevent the unification of opposition forces.

Impact on Indian Society and Future Freedom Movements

The Indian Uprising of 1857 had lasting impacts on Indian society and the future trajectory of the freedom movement. It exposed the vulnerabilities of British rule and highlighted the potential for organized resistance. While the rebellion was ultimately unsuccessful, it became a symbol of national pride and an early manifestation of the desire for independence. The brutality with which the British suppressed the uprising also sowed seeds of resentment and galvanized future generations of freedom fighters.

The memory of the 1857 uprising influenced the emergence of subsequent leaders and movements, such as the formation of the Indian National Congress in 1885, which aimed to achieve greater political representation and eventually complete independence. The uprising also instilled a sense of unity and purpose among diverse groups within Indian society, fostering a burgeoning sense of nationalism that would continue to grow and culminate in India’s independence in 1947.

In summary, the Indian Uprising of 1857 was a watershed moment that reshaped the political landscape of India and had far-reaching consequences for both British colonial policies and the Indian independence movement. It marked the beginning of the end of British East India Company rule, prompted significant administrative changes, and left an indelible legacy that inspired future generations to continue the struggle for freedom.

Legacy of Indian Independence Efforts and Sepoy Rebellion in India

Historiographical Perspectives

Different Views on the Uprising

The Indian Uprising of 1857 has been interpreted in various ways by historians, reflecting the complexity and significance of the event. Indian historians often view it as the First War of Independence, emphasizing the widespread and coordinated nature of the resistance against British colonial rule. They highlight the unity among different sections of Indian society—soldiers, peasants, rulers, and common people—against a common oppressor.

In contrast, many British historians of the time referred to it as the Sepoy Mutiny, focusing on the military aspects of the rebellion and describing it as a series of localized mutinies by discontented soldiers. This perspective downplays the broader political and social dimensions of the uprising, framing it as a disturbance rather than a legitimate struggle for independence.

Interpretations by Indian and British Historians

Modern Indian historians have re-evaluated the uprising, viewing it as a significant anti-colonial struggle. They argue that the rebellion was a culmination of various socio-economic and political grievances against British policies and symbolized a collective desire for sovereignty. Historians like V.D. Savarkar and R.C. Majumdar have documented the uprising’s impact on India’s national consciousness and its role in inspiring future freedom movements.

British historians, particularly those writing during the colonial period, often portrayed the uprising as a failure due to lack of coordination and leadership. They emphasized the loyalty of many Indian princes and regions to the British as evidence of the limited appeal of the rebellion. However, more recent British scholars have acknowledged the deeper causes and broader participation in the uprising, recognizing it as a pivotal event in colonial history.

Cultural and Social Legacy

Commemoration in Literature, Films, and Art

The 1857 uprising has been a rich source of inspiration for Indian literature, films, and art. Numerous novels, poems, and plays have been written about the events of 1857, celebrating the bravery and sacrifices of the rebels. Notable works include Bankim Chandra Chatterjee’s “Anandamath” and Mulk Raj Anand’s “The Sword and the Sickle,” which depict the spirit of resistance and the yearning for freedom.

In Indian cinema, films like “Junoon” (1978) and “Mangal Pandey: The Rising” (2005) have portrayed the dramatic and emotional aspects of the rebellion, bringing the historical events to a wider audience. These cultural representations have kept the memory of the uprising alive in the public consciousness, reinforcing its significance in India’s national history.

Influence on Subsequent Generations

The legacy of the 1857 uprising profoundly influenced subsequent generations and the broader Indian independence movement. The rebellion demonstrated the potential for collective action and highlighted the need for organized political resistance. The brutal suppression of the uprising and the harsh reprisals by the British also fueled enduring resentment and a stronger resolve among Indians to fight for their rights.

One of the significant legacies of the uprising was the creation of the Indian National Congress (INC) in 1885 by British civil servant A.O. Hume. Although initially established as a platform for moderate political dialogue and reform within the British colonial framework, the INC eventually became the principal organization leading the struggle for Indian independence. Critics argue that the Congress, in its early years, served to help the British perpetuate their rule by providing a controlled outlet for political dissent. It wasn’t until the early 20th century that the Congress, under leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, transformed into a mass movement advocating for full independence.

The 1857 uprising thus set the stage for the long and arduous struggle for independence that followed, inspiring a sense of national unity and a determination to achieve freedom from colonial rule. The cultural and social legacy of the uprising continues to resonate in India today, symbolizing the enduring spirit of resistance and the quest for self-determination.

Legacy of Early Resistance And Uprising 1857

The early resistance movements against British colonial rule, such as the Sanyasi and Fakir Rebellions, the Paik Rebellion, and the Vellore Mutiny, were instrumental in setting the stage for the Indian Uprising of 1857. These movements highlighted deep-seated discontent and showcased the potential for organized, localized insurgencies. The spirit of defiance and the quest for sovereignty that characterized these early resistances were pivotal in shaping the broader rebellion of 1857. By illustrating the viability of resistance against oppressive British policies, these movements galvanized future generations, fostering a sense of nationalism that fueled more unified and significant efforts to achieve independence. This legacy of early resistance not only facilitated the culmination of the 1857 Uprising but also continued to inspire the long and arduous struggle for India’s freedom, ultimately culminating in the significant events of 1857 and the continued pursuit of sovereignty in subsequent decades.

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Glossory of Terms:

  1. Indian Uprising of 1857 – Often referred to as the First War of Indian Independence, a major rebellion against British colonial rule.
  2. Sepoy – Indian soldiers in the British East India Company’s army.
  3. Doctrine of Lapse – British policy that allowed the annexation of princely states without a direct male heir.
  4. Sanyasi and Fakir Rebellions – Early resistance movements involving Hindu and Muslim ascetics against British economic and cultural policies.
  5. Paik Rebellion – A significant uprising in 1817 by the traditional warrior-peasants of Odisha.
  6. Vellore Mutiny – One of the earliest instances of sepoy rebellion, triggered by changes in military uniforms and practices that disrespected religious beliefs.
  7. Greased Cartridges – The immediate cause of the 1857 Uprising, rumoured to be greased with cow and pig fat, offending Hindu and Muslim soldiers.
  8. Meerut – The location where the 1857 Uprising started.
  9. Bahadur Shah Zafar – The last Mughal emperor, declared as the leader of the rebellion in 1857.
  10. Nana Sahib – A leader in the rebellion, known for his role in the Siege of Kanpur.
  11. Rani Lakshmibai – The Queen of Jhansi, known for her valiant resistance against the British during the uprising.
  12. Awadh – A region central to the uprising, especially after the annexation that disregarded its ruler.
  13. Enfield P-53 Rifle – The introduction of this rifle and its cartridges sparked the sepoy mutiny due to religious concerns.
  14. Government of India Act 1858 – Legislation passed after the suppression of the uprising that transferred control from the East India Company to the British Crown.
  15. Indian National Congress – A political organization founded in 1885 which became a major player in the Indian independence movement.


  1. Volume -1 Part -I [Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh 1857-1919] PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (1.06 MB)
  2. Volume -1 Part – II [Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh 1920-1947] PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (1.22 MB)
  3. Volume -2 Part – I [UP, Uttarakhand, MP, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K 1857-1947] PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (1.35 MB)
  4. Volume -2 Part – II [UP, Uttarakhand, MP, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K 1857-1947] PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (1.34 MB)
  5. Volume -3 [Maharashtra, Gujarat and Sind 1857-1947] PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (1.14 MB)
  6. Volume – 4 [Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura 1857-1947] PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (1.71 MB)

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